Paje and Chad
How are the overworked and overplayed Turner Performance Horse friends doing? Hope all is well. Thank you for the videos of Chad's runs.
Enjoyed viewing them over and over for the complete context.
Sally and I had a blast at your house before the sale. We couldn't believe how many cowboys were at the ranch. I thought it was an official roping. (:
The League of Legends horse sale was a complete home run. Your thoughtfulness, hard work, knowledge, and brutally long hours were very evident. The League of Legends has only gotten better since number one through number four.
It has been a pleasure to be a sponsor of such a successful production. Not only to be a sponsor but to be involved with the bidding process and sitting right down front where the action is the best. The real upside to the event is the GREAT horses we have.
Marshall & Fancy in 2017, Real & Style in 2018, Yelly Bean 2019 and last but not least Plentee 2020. With your assistance, you've helped improve our
ability to ride the horses. I have really enjoyed roping on Real and Yelly. Style is a good guy just to trail ride and relax on. (Mister no sweat.)
I can't really speak much for Plentee. We've only had him two weeks and Sally has dominated him for that length of time. Other than at your ranch when I got to ride him, that's it. But roping season is just about upon us so I may get my crack. (:
The really cool point to this THANK YOU is the wonderful and beautiful awards that have accompanied the outstanding winners we have purchased.
I don't know how lucky two people can be but Style, Real, Yelly Bean, and Plentee have all won Trail, Ranch or High Seller.
Thanks for the great memories that come along with our horses. Can't wait to see you guys in Arizona.
Warm Thoughts